


Search Requests - View 6

This view can be assigned to any key or called from another view with the 6 key.
A key can be set in the setup menu item „ Key for the Search view“.

The main purpose of the search is to automate recordings.

Explanation of the keys

Explanation of the keys after pressing OK

After pressing   the display of the first line in the individual key actions menu changes as follows:.

With this key  a search can be started. This is the same search that is performed after a nightly scan. Timers are also set according to the hits. If the M-timers are switched off in the Timer list, they can be displayed temporarily with this search.

The VPS and EPG functions are explained HERE in detail.

Name of the recording

The name of the show that you have marked for the search is displayed here. With    the text can be edited and any name assigned.


Search requests can be organized into folders for clarity. These folders have nothing to do with directories on the hard disk and do not cause recordings to be moved to subfolders.

However, this point offers the possibility to use storage paths with a keystroke. you can also add the name of the search as a path with one keystroke. This is not possible with individual (manual) timers.

This point is explained in more detail below in the Record path area, also with a video.

With    the text can be edited and any name assigned.

Record Mode

The recording mode can be set here. The following screenshots show in the possible options in detail.
Furthermore, the coloured recording symbol on the left of the search request is displayed for each option.


An episode of this series will be recorded, however in case SmartEPGvu+ identifies a successful recording in its database, this timer will be blocked.

Zap & record

Switches to the recording channel and records the event.


Switches to the channel at the set time and no recording will take place.


All found matches will be recorded.


This search is not active, and no recordings are made.


M-Timer are reminder timers and remind you of the start of the show with a pop-up window. You will be asked if you want to switch to the corresponding channel.

Set timer once

In this case, the timer is only executed once.
Although all hits are programmed, as soon as a recording was successful, the search and all associated timers are blocked.

Search Text

This option allows you to specify different criteria for the search .

With     the search can be adapted to your own requirements. With the Wildcard status can be changed when editing the search text.

A check is built in for the search, whether search texts can work under the current enigma. Search requests or texts that are not supported are written in red text in the Search View. If you search with such a search, it will be ignored and an „Error: Skipping job due to invalid search option“ will be written to the log.

Create search request with exceptions and links

Up to 20 search words can be entered for each search request. The search words can be entered using the keyboard. It is advisable to put an * before and after the search text. This means that hits can also be achieved if the words are compound words. For example, the search text is *heute*, the show “heute-Journal” will also be found.

A search from the EPG is created with a wildcard at the end (heute*).

After saving the search text, you still have to set whether the title (T), in the description (B), title and description (TB), extended description (E) or (TBE) title, description and extended description , are to be searched for.

The rating can be set from -99 to +99. SE creates a timer if the sum of all ratings is >= +50.

To add more search texts as shown in the following example, create a new text with the   key and then define the T+ or T- value and for example, if a (T) or (TB) search should be carried out for this search text. In this example, all SOKO episodes every day that are broadcast between 4:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. are recorded, except for SOKO episodes that contain the suffix Kitzbühel in the title.

Further examples:

Attention to the use of * is very important when defining the search. Depending on whether the „asterisk“ is used or not, the result of the search will be different.

Example: Search for „Star Trek: Starship Voyager“
*Star*: finds shows where that text occurs anywhere.
Star*: finds shows with that text at the beginning of the search.
*Trek*: finds shows where that text occurs somewhere.
Trek*: does not find a show because the text is not at the beginning of the search.

T+25 *star*
T+25 *trek*
only finds shows in which both search terms are contained in the title (logical AND link)

B+50 *spaceship*
B+50 *enterprise*
finds shows that contain at least one of the two search words in the description (logical OR link)

T+50 *spaceship*
T-10 *voyager*
finds shows that contain the first search word and do NOT contain the second search word

T+50 rome
​​​finds shows that only contain the word „Rome“.
T+50 RTL Aktuell
​​​​​​finds shows that only contain the word „RTL Aktuell“.

T+50 *RTL Aktuell*
​​​finds any show containing the word „RTL Aktuell“. Therefore the news show „RTL Aktuell“ as well as the show „RTL Aktuell Wetter“ are found.

Create search request with validity period

You can assign a validity period to a requisition. This is set in the Start Date and End Date fields. It is not mandatory to fill in one or both of the fields.

Create search request with min. and max. length of show

If you want to exclude short or very long shows to be recorded, you can enter the appropriate values ​​in the maximum/minimum length fields.


The channels for which EPG data should be collected, can be selected here.

With  the selection menu is opened and it is possible to select the desired channels.

A Bouquet can be selected by long pressing of the OK key


Here you can select the days on which EPG data should be searched for.

With  the selection menu is opened and it is possible to choose days the required days.

Start Time and End Time

Start time defines the beginning of the range in which the show searched for must fall.

End time defines the end of the range in which the show searched for must fall.

This applies to the start of the show and not to the entire show.

To modify the start and end time press the OK key.

Pre and Post padding

Prepad defines the recording prepad.

Postpad defines the recording Postpad.

This allows the duration of the recording to be adjusted in case you want to ensure a complete recording of a show. This is useful when a show starts too early or a show runs longer than specified in the EPG.
However, this function is deactivated when activating „VPS“ or „Adapt to EPG“.

Minimum and maximum length

Minimum length defines at least how long the show must be.

Maximum length defines at most how long the show must be.

Start date and end date

Start date defines from which date on recordings may be programmed.
End date defines up to which date recordings may be programmed.

If you are in the start date or end date field and after pressing the OK key - which can be used to adjust the date - a new display of the first line in the individual key actions menu changes as follows:


Delete after hours: You can define to automatically delete the recording deleted after a specified time.
This routine runs once an hour and deletes the recordings after the set expiry time.

Delete when insufficient space: The recording is automatically deleted when the space on the hard drive becomes low (currently hard-coded to 15GB)

Record path

With   (PVR key) the name of the show from the first field, or the name of the search folder from the second field, called „path“, can be taken over and/or both can be saved.


* If a folder Crime was created in the second field of the „Folder“ search request, for the show „Name“ Soko , then the recording folder looks like this when you select „Name“:

Recording path: /media/hdd/movie/Soko

* If „Path“ is selected, the recording folder looks like this:

Record path: /media/hdd/movie/Crime

* If you select „Both“, the recording folder looks like this:

Recording path: /media/hdd/movie/Crime/Soko

If no „Folder“ has been defined in the second field of the search request and it is left empty, after pressing the (PVR key) the „Name“ of the show is automatically taken over in the recording path.

A new recording folder specified in the recording path is only created with a new recording.
Old recordings must be manually moved to the new folder.

This shows how a folder is displayed in the search requests.

The following video explains how to create a folder and use the storage path function.
Although in German, you can follow the same steps as described.

Alternatively, the path for saving the recording can be selected with  . The possible directories for selection are then displayed. Other directories can also be selected or created using the option keys.

Explanation of the keys

File Name

Use the left and right keys to select which suffix should be added to the recording name.
The options are:

  • vu+ standard
  • Surname
  • Name + Description
  • Name + Timestamp
  • Name + Description or Time
  • Name + Description + Time
  • Name + Time + Description

If you have not selected „vu+ default values“ in a search or in the global settings, the recording will be renamed after the end of the timer. If a recording with the same name already exists, the newer one is given the suffix „-2“, „-3“, etc.

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en/sicht6.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/01/14 19:39 von